Monday, March 29, 2021

Did CIA Target John Lennon In 1980?--Interviewing `Drugs As Weapons Against Us: The CIA War On Musicians And Activists' Film Producer John Potash (Conclusion)


December 8, 2020 marked the 40th anniversary of John Lennon being killed on the Upper West Side of Manhattan as he was returning to the Dakota apartment building in which he lived, at West 72nd Street and Central Park West.

Yet, over 40 years after the former Beatles super-star musician and rock songwriter was murdered, many U.S. music fans, who question the Establishment media’s “official story” of how and why JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and RFK were slain in the 1960’s, also question its “official story” of how and why Lennon and some other celebrity musicians ended up dying before they reached the age of 50 years.

So Protest Folk Magazine recently asked the producer of the documentary film (and book) Drugs As Weapons Against Us: The CIA War On Musicians And Activists, John Potash, to share his thoughts with readers in an email interview. Potash has discussed his work on C-Span’s American History TV, A&E, RT, The Real News Network, and The Reelz Channel, along with over a hundred radio programs in the U.S. and abroad.

In a 1993 book then-University of Massachusetts Political Science Professor and Robert F. Kennedy Assassination Archives Chair Philip Melanson wrote about the June 4, 1968 elimination of New York State’s then-representative in the U.S. Senate, RFK, titled Who Killed Robert Kennedy?, he noted that “William Turner and John Christian in their 1978 book The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy…say” that the convicted assassin of RFK, Sirhan Sirhan, “was programmed by an expert or experts working for, or in the shadow of US intelligence’.” And a former arts editor of the Santa Cruz Sun, Mark Zepezauer, wrote in his 1994 book, The CIA’s Greatest Hits: “There’s evidence Sirhan was treated by a CIA-linked shrink” and “the Los Angeles coroner’s report states that RFK was killed from behind, while everyone agrees that Sirhan Sirhan…was at least three feet in front of him” and “Sirhan claims to have no memory of shooting at RFK.” Do you think there’s any possibility that the person convicted of killing John Lennon, Mark Chapman, may have been “programmed by an expert or experts working for, or in the shadow of, US intelligence"?

JOHN POTASH: Drugs As Weapons Against Us has a section on Robert F. Kennedy. The book and film have more information on the focus on the CIA’s Project MK-Ultra which was the use of drugs for “unconventional warfare” against American and European dissidents. That RFK section and another section includes much evidence supporting that the CIA used drugs and hypnosis to turn Sirhan Sirhan into RFK’s assassin, with the help of other shooters.

As previously stated [in part 1 of this email interview], Fenton Bresler presented a book full of evidence detailing the support for his conclusion that the CIA used hypnosis and drugs to turn Mark David Chapman into an assassin. The U.S. Senate Church Committee’s investigative documents, and those found on MK-Ultra (though CIA Director shredded 90% of MK-Ultra documents), show their successful work with the use of hypnosis and drugs at creating hypnotized assassins. Law professor Alan Scheflin has published details on this topic in his book, The Mind Manipulators.

Another researcher, Professor Peter Dale Scott, also said that Mark David Chapman went through CIA-developed behavior modification at Castle Memorial Hospital when he lived for a time in Hawaii. A ‘former’ CIA agent, Angelo Galante, headed New York’s Bureau of Special Services and the CIA trained police units in various cities. Furthermore, Lt. Arthur O’Connor headed the New York police district of one million people, where Lennon had lived. He told Fenton Bresler that he studied Chapman intensely and he “looked like he could have been programmed, and I know what you’re going to make of that word! That was the way he looked and that was the way he talked.” O’Connor was the second police officer to make that assessment.

This supports some of Bresler’s other evidence, including a police officer training Chapman in shooting and then giving him the hollow point bullets with which he killed Lennon.

How would you respond to the claim, by one “CIA Conspiracy Denialist” and folk music radio show producer/host on the Corporation for Public Broadcasting-funded and corporate-sponsored WUMB radio station in New England, that “if our government had wanted to `eliminate’” Lennon, “they would have done it in the late `60s, when he was a powerful voice, loudly associating himself with radicals, like John Sinclair, who were calling for violent revolution;” but, “by 1980, he was almost entirely apolitical” and “he had never been saner, more stable, more domestic—or less political;” and this WUMB radio show host’s questioning whether there is “ANY evidence” that an `ex CIA operative’ had any involvement with Lennon, or his death”?

JOHN POTASH: I presented some of the key evidence regarding Jose Sanjenis Perdomo’s CIA work and aid in the murder of John Lennon above [in previously posted part 1 of this interview]. Regarding the use of the term "conspiracy", New York University Media Professor Mark Crispin Miller has presented the CIA document from the 1960s that outlined their plan to use the term “conspiracy” to try and smear anyone criticizing the absurd Warren Commission report on President John Kennedy’s assassination. Comedians, such as Mort Sahl and Woody Allen, talked about it as “a fine book”, but that they’d like to read the non-fiction report on the president’s assassination, too. Even the apolitical Seinfeld tv show was able to ridicule the Warren Commission’s magic bullet theory with the “magic loogie” incident regarding New York Yankee Keith Hernandez in “The Boyfriend,” episode. 

Regarding the idea, ‘why didn’t the CIA kill John Lennon when he was younger,’ that takes a longer explanation, which is done in my work. To try and paraphrase my book and film in a sentence or two, one of MK-Ultra’s major subprojects appeared to be the targeting of popular musicians in general. As one of the CIA documents stated as a tactic, “use narcotics” on them. 

I show the evidence that part of MK-Ultra’s use of drugs for “unconventional warfare” involved manipulating musicians to promote drugs to the burgeoning tide of activist young adults. They did this to accomplish what former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark told me was the government’s goal of “using drugs to sedate and divide the masses.” My work shows that it further diverted the masses of Civil Rights and antiwar protesters, while hurting their best thinking and organizing abilities. 

An example of this came from author A.E. Hotchner, a former editor for Ernest Hemingway, who stated in his book Blown Away, that MK-Ultra Assistant Director Robert Lashbrook came to London in January of 1965 and instructed his agents to get acid in as many musicians hands as possible. Lennon’s first acid trip came from having his coffee dosed without his knowledge by George Harrison’s dentist. Mick Jagger’s first hit came in 1967 from the “acid king” David Schneidermann, whom London’s Daily Mail said was both an FBI and MI5 undercover agent. 

I show the evidence that when many of these musicians, such as Lennon, Tupac Shakur, Jimi Hendrix, and Kurt Cobain, started sobering up and getting more into leftist activism, they were murdered. I show evidence suggesting U.S. Intelligence involvement in all of these murders. 

Regarding John Lennon in particular, he reported having a hard time performing publicly when he had become most radical, in the early 1970s, stating that LSD had given him so many bad trips. I show the evidence that acid contributed to his intense panic attacks before performances. Lennon talked about this in interviews I found. By the late 1970s, he’d mostly sobered up, getting back into activism [as previously mentioned in part 1 of this interview], and he was about to get his full American citizenship.

When some New York City media outlets produced news show segments to mark the 40th anniversary in December 2020 of Lennon’s death on the Upper West Side, were you invited by many local NYC radio show producers or hosts of NPR-affiliated stations, like WNYC, or by the Democracy Now! radio and cable-tv show, to discuss what your “Drugs As Weapons Against Us” film and book exposed about “The CIA War On Musicians and Activists”? And if not, why do you think local NYC radio or tv stations might not want to encourage their listeners or viewers to watch your film or read your book in 2021?

JOHN POTASH: I was lucky to get a good public relations agent to help me when my book first came out. That helped me get onto some major syndicated radio programs, including, Coast to Coast, Pacifica Radio’s program hosted by Gary Null, and Alan Handleman’s Rock Talk. But mainstream media, and even purported alternative media, have become massively controlled, either by multinational corporations or massive foundations backed by the America’s wealthiest families. 

All of my work includes sections on this topic. I give examples that include the fact that Cal-Berkeley School of Journalism Dean Ben Bagdikian wrote the book, The Media Monopoly, exposing how virtually all of mainstream media has interlocking boards of directors with the top multinational corporations. He also said that by corporate law, the media company is not supposed to act in ways that hurt the profit of the interlocked corporation. Thus, the conflict with defense contracting companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc. Senator Bernie Sanders held a press conference repeating Bagdikian’s work, citing how over six multinational corporations control over 90% of our information as of 2012. 

The U.S. Senate Church Committee had also published in their report how well over 400 members of the media lived dual lives in their work for the CIA. These included virtually all the owners of top media companies. Watergate muckraker Carl Bernstein published a seminal Rolling Stone article about this titled “The CIA and the Media.”

Are you planning to produce any future documentary films?

JOHN POTASH: My next documentary film project is on Eugenics and the Pandemic. It’s meant to have many dark comedy sections. For more information on all my work, feel free to see (end of interview)

John Lennon performing at Free John Sinclair concert and rally in 1971

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Did CIA Target John Lennon In 1980?--Interviewing `Drugs As Weapons Against Us: The CIA War On Musicians And Activists' Film Producer John Potash (Part 1)


December 8, 2020 marked the 40th anniversary of John Lennon being killed on the Upper West Side of Manhattan as he was returning to the Dakota apartment building in which he lived, at West 72nd Street and Central Park West.

Yet, over 40 years after the former Beatles super-star musician and rock songwriter was murdered, many U.S. music fans, who question the Establishment media’s “official story” of how and why JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and RFK were slain in the 1960’s, also question its “official story” of how and why Lennon and some other celebrity musicians ended up dying before they reached the age of 50 years.

So Protest Folk Magazine recently asked the producer of the documentary film (and book) Drugs As Weapons Against Us: The CIA War On Musicians And Activists, John Potash, to share his thoughts with readers in an email interview. Potash has discussed his work on C-Span’s American History TV, A&E, RT, The Real News Network, and The Reelz Channel, along with over a hundred radio programs in the U.S. and abroad.

Was John Lennon ever under NY Police Department, FBI or CIA surveillance between the time the Beatles first appeared on Ed Sullivan’s CBS television show in New York City in 1964 and December 8, 1980? And if so, why would either the NY Police Department, the FBI or the CIA be monitoring the activities of celebrity rock musicians like Lennon during the 1960’s, 1970’s and early 1980’s or of celebrity rap musicians like Tupac Shakur, in subsequent decades?

JOHN POTASH: British barrister (lawyer) Fenton Bresler worked as London's Daily Mail newspaper legal correspondent when John Lennon was murdered. Bresler spent seven years investigating Lennon's murder to come out with his book, Who Killed John Lennon?, in which he first published his evidence and conclusion that the CIA murdered John Lennon. They and the FBI had previously monitored and harassed Lennon for years. Bresler was able to attain 217 FBI documents from their file on Lennon, and only 4 pages of the CIA file on Lennon. Bresler said these pages alluded to many more pages the government wouldn’t release.

These documents clearly showed that Lennon was under surveillance by the FBI with CIA involvement. The FBI had agents who also worked for the New York Police Department’s Intelligence divisions, such as the Bureau of Special Services. Activists broke into an FBI office in 1971. These documents revealed their Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) that targeted antiwar activists, Civil Rights activists, and other leftists. When the U.S. Senate Church Committee investigated U.S. Intelligence in the mid-1970s, they found and published the contents of documents detailing tactics for targeting political musicians. 

As to why these governmental agencies would be monitoring John Lennon, a page or two of the FBI documents on Lennon, as well as other FBI documents, tell some of that story. For example, a document dated 2/25/72, stated a “New Left-oriented group is being formed by British musician John Lennon.” This document also presented concern about Lennon’s planned activist concert at the Republican National Convention.

When Lennon toured the U.S. in 1964, he publicly refused to play segregated southern concerts in 1964. U.S. intelligence was spying on and attacking the Civil Rights movement and Martin Luther King for his anti-segregation work (which I cover in my first book/film, The FBI War on Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders) and were concerned about this popular white singer doing the same. John Lennon proved a problem for U.S. Intelligence in 1966, when he said that he and his fellow band members were against U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. 

By 1968, Lennon had written some of his most radical songs as a Beatle, such as “Revolution.” He followed it up in his solo career with even more radical political songs such as “Power to the People.” Around 1970, Lennon also supported activists ranging from antiwar activist Abbie Hoffman to Black Panther National Chairman Bobby Seale.  

Shortly before his death in 1980, John Lennon had sent out a press release announcing that he would be marching with a Teamsters protest action in California and playing music at their rally. Lennon also produced two albums in the year before he died, after having taken a 5 year break from music to raise his son.

Regarding musicians such as Tupac Shakur, he was born into the activism of his Black Panther family, and headed his own activist group, The New Afrikan Panthers at 17 years old. The New Afrikan Panthers tried to replicate The Black Panthers and were active in 8-10 cities. FBI agent whistleblower Wes Swearingen stated in his FBI Secrets: An Agent’s Expose,  that the FBI was forced to close its COINTELPRO units down in 1971, yet continued COINTELPRO work into the 1980s and ‘90s under different named units.

Were any former or current NY Police Department, FBI or CIA employees, assets or informants near the front of the Dakota apartment building in the moments immediately before or after Lennon was shot on the Upper West Side on December 8, 1980? And if so, has the NY Police Department, FBI or CIA fully disclosed what kind of work any former or current employees, assets or informants present when Lennon was killed had done in past or were doing in December 1980?

JOHN POTASH: Attorney and legal correspondent Fenton Bresler makes a very strong case that through their Project MK-Ultra, the CIA used drugs and hypnosis to turn Mark David Chapman into the assassin he became when he shot John Lennon. Since you ask more about this in the next question, I’ll follow up with the details there.

Another highly suspected shooter of John Lennon was his Dakota apartment building doorman Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo. Phil Stongman, a critically praised British music writer and author of 5 books, wrote John Lennon: Life, Times, and Assassination. Strongman found that Cuba’s Information Archives showed that Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo was an active anti-Castro Cuban. A CIA spy employee said Perdomo had been on the CIA payroll for at least ten years from the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion onwards, as part of Brigade 2056, at least up to the Watergate burglary. Strongman further claimed that one of the first policeman to arrive at Lennon’s murder scene, initially believed Perdomo, rather than Chapman, killed Lennon.

The best evidence supports that Jose Perdomo was a back-up shooter to Mark David Chapman, to ensure the murder of John Lennon.

The CIA is notoriously secretive. Only one CIA whistleblower admitted what I said above. The FBI, after giving some documents to Bresler through his Freedom of Information Act request, let some of those documents be public. Neither of those agencies nor the NYPD has admitted having anyone involved in Lennon’s murder. (end of part 1. To be continued)

John Lennon performing at Free John Sinclair! rally and concert in 1971

Saturday, March 27, 2021

How Hoover's FBI Spied On John Lennon In 1970's

John Lennon performing at `Free John Sinclair! concert rally in 1971

During the 1970's, J. Edgar Hoover's Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] spied on John Lennon, especially during the time when the former Beatles musician and songwriter became more politically active within anti-war Movement counter-cultural circles. As John Parker observed in his 1993 book Elvis: The Secret Files:

"The FBI file on Lennon expanded to over 500 pages of reports, of which, in 1992, only 196 pages were released to me under the Freedom of Information Act. The remainder are still classified [as of 1993], including the whole contents of one file running to 207 pages, which has been retained at FBI headquaters. A further 1,800 pages specifically relating to John Lennon are contained in the archives of the Immigration and Naturalization Services and are not available for public inspection [as of 1993]."

Elvis: The Secret Files also noted:

"...Lennon was spied upon, his phone was tapped, and he was followed at the peak of the [FBI] operation, 24 hours a day...From the moment of Lennon's entry into the United States [in July 1971], his movements were tracked, his television appearances monitored, his songs noted, and his comments taped and recorded for FBI files. Towards the end of the year, Lennon was witnessed as `associating with' a group...which had just renamed itself Election Year Strategy Information Center [EYSIC]...A new and separate Lennon file was opened under the heading: `John Winston Lennon, Revolutionary Activity'..."

A March 16, 1972 memo from then-FBI Director Hoover to all FBI senior agents stated the following:

"Subject: John Winston Lennon

"...A very real possibility exists that subject...might engage in activities in the U.S. leading to the disruption of the Republican National Convention...For this reason...locate subject and remain aware of his activities and movement." 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Why Did Vanguard Records Refuse To Produce Bev Grant's 1970's Album?


Bev Grant and The Human Condition band in the 1970's

In the Spring of 1975, U.S. anti-war protest folk singer-songwriter Phil Ochs organized a concert in New York City's Central Park, at which he and other U.S. protest folk singers, like Joan Baez and former Newsreel Movement organizer and post-1975 long-time People's Music Network organizer Bev Grant, performed before tens of thousands of anti-war protest folk music fans; to celebrate the end of the War in Viet-Nam.

Vanguard Records had produced vinyl records of Joan Baez singing protest folk songs during the early 1960's. Yet in the 1970's, Vanguard Records apparently refused to produce a vinyl record album in which radical feminist blues, labor movement and People's Music singer Bev Grant and her band, "The Human Condition," recorded the protest folk songs that she wrote in the early 1970's.

In a 1991 interview, 20th-century and 21st-century U.S. jazz, blues and folk singer Barbara Dane (who also co-founded the non-commercially-motivated Paredon Records label that did eventually record a vinyl album of Bev Grant and The Human Condition in the 1970's, titled Working People Gonna Rise!, which included the protest folk songs that Bev Grant had written) indicated why Vanguard Records apparently refused to produce Bev Grant's album in the 1970's:

" signed with Vanguard. Vanguard run by Maynard Solomon. Maynard Solomon wrote a book called, something? What was it? Marxism and Culture. He considers himeself, you know, a political guy.

"And he's the one who put out Paul Robeson's records and Joan Baez and what have you.

"And he said to her: `Come by and bring your--I want your most outrageous, you know--your most political songs.'

"So she brought them over there. And she called me afterwards and said: `Well, he told me to bring my most outrageous songs. But when I got there he said, "`Oh! I didn't mean that far out."'

"So they didn't do a record for Vanguard. Did it for us. Okay..."